The election is over and we know the results.  It’s now time to get to work and we need your help.

The changes in leadership at the Capital mean that the paved trail lobbyists will be in the ear of those new leaders and newly elected lawmakers.  We need to be doing the same. We need you to be doing the same.  Many individual voices make one loud voice.  One loud voice is hard to ignore.

We would like you to contact those that represent and will represent you and ask them not to approve any new funding requests for the proposed paved Minnesota Valley State Trail in Bloomington. Without funding it simply can’t be built.

Here are the facts you can and should share:

  • The overwhelming majority of surveys from the DNR, City of Bloomington, and others show people want to preserve this natural area.
  • This area is a major flood plain and it will require a great deal of funding not just to build, but to maintain and repair….something the proponents likely aren’t even planning for.
  • The area where the proposed paved Minnesota Valley State Trails would be built in Bloomington flooded four times in 2018!

You as citizens of Minnesota must make your opinion heard.  Please contact your local lawmakers and newly elected lawmakers today.  Do this before they officially take over as they may listen more now.

Thank you for your continued partnership in this effort.  We are few.  You are many. Together we can do this.



One thought on “Post Election Action”

  1. For clarification:

    We need ALL Minnesota residents to contact their Legislator.

    We need Bloomington residents to contact their Legislator AND their City Council representative.

    In both cases contact the folks currently holding those positions AND the ones that just won election but haven’t been seated yet.


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